

Formation of the ADOS Feuerungstechnische Gesellschaft GmbH company in Aachen as the first factory worldwide to be established for chemical gas analysis on the basis of the Patent of Max Arndt for automatic tests on flue gases. The company was formed by Aachener Industrialists, all with equal shares.

Acceptance of the company shares by the banker Leo Ruetgers as manager and Mrs. Elisabeth Lang née Houben.

After the complete destruction in the Second World War, The manager Leo Ruetgers took over all the company’s shares. He commenced with the rebuilding and once more started the production after he was granted approval by the authority of the British occupying forces

The company name was changed to ADOS GmbH. The program was extended to include the heat technology sector with volumetric measurement equipment (gas, vapour, water) and heat quantity measurement equipment for boiler house control.

Grad. Eng. Herbert Ruetgers started in the company.

Gas analysis was changed from wet-chemical to electric gas test equipment. The company and management was taken over by Grad. Eng. Herbert Ruetgers.

Grad. Eng. Michael Ruetgers started in the company.

Grad. Eng. Michael Ruetgers was invited to join the management as a junior partner.

The company celebrated its Centenary Jubilee.

Extension of the production possibilities by using new gas transmitters.

First ATEX and SIL 1 gastransmitter GTR 210 EX is certified by DEKRA.

GTR 210 MED is certified for marine applications.

First ATEX and SIL 1 central unit FlexADOS 914/LON is certified by TUEV (Technical Control Board).

Entry into fieldbus technology.

DNV-GL-Certification of GTR 210 and FlexADOS 914.
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Rütgers becomes sole managing Director.

By implementing a photovoltaic power system on the flat roof of the production buildings the company produces its own electricity.

Hitsorie Messgerät

A test instrument hanging in a universal joint (to compensate the strong wave motion on board a ship), when measuring carbon dioxide.

Historie Messgerät

The first automatic flue gas monitor "ADOS" 1900:
Driven by updraught in the chimney, the unit takes a sample of flue gas 10-times per hour, automatically analyses the sample and records the content of carbon dioxide.
This forms a measure for the most economic use of fuel by the personnel responsible (boilermen). The standard is around 15% carbon dioxide content in the furnace gases.

Historie Medaillen

In 1898, Max Arndt was awarded the “Elliot Cresson” gold medal in recognition of his patent “Econometer” automatic selfacting flue tester). The medal was awarded by the “Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania, USA”.

Historie 3-fach Messgerät

Triple test instrument (Triplex) for monitoring the CO, H2 and CO2 content of the ambient air. Used in the chemical industry.