Responsible for contents:
Instrumentation and Control
P.O. Box 500 444 · 52088 Aachen · FRG
Trierer Strasse 23–25 · 52078 Aachen · FRG
Phone: +49 (0)241 - 97 69 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)241 - 97 69 - 16
e-mail address for electronic invoicing:
Place of Registration: Aachen 20 · HRB 5
VAT-Reg-No.: DE 123 600 848
VAT-No.: 201/5941/3198
WEEE-Reg.-No.: DE 92818557
Represented through the managing directors:
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Ruetgers
Copyright © 2025 ADOS GmbH, Aachen, FRG
Conditions of use
We are pleased to welcome you to our website and thank you for your interest in our company.There follows a short outline of the conditions of using our website.
Application Field / Validity
The website is an information service provided by the ADOS GmbH company, Trierer Strasse 23-25, 52078 Aachen in Germany (subsequently referred to, as „ADOS“). The following general conditions of use apply to accessing and use of the information and documents provided on this website (in the following referred to, as „Contents“). By accessing this website, the User declares that he accepts these general conditions of use. For any offers mentioned on the internet and ADOS websites in other countries, the condition of use apply that are applicable to the relevant country.
Use of the Contents
The contents of the website are freely available to all. ADOS reserves the right to correct or amend the contents of the website at any time. By using the website, the User declares that accepts such corrections or amendments. The contents of the website represent a general outline of the ADOS company, together with its range of products and available services.
Use of the website is at the User’s own risk. ADOS accepts no liability or gives any guarantee that the website and its contents are always available. ADOS also accepts no liability for the suitability of the contents for a specified purpose, their correctness and completeness as well as the absence of any virus and error-free transference (download).
Exclusion of Liability
ADOS accepts no liability for any damages, irrespective of the cause, except in the case of negligence on the part of their employees or other contracted assistants. This applies according to the magnitude of the damage to the obligations of any preliminary contract or collateral agreement. Also excluded is the liability for ordinary carelessness in the violation of obligations, providing this does not concern any significant contractual obligations. Entitlement to compensation is limited to typical in foreseeable damage. ADOS is not liable for the qualitative or quantitative availability of services provided by third parties that are not part of the ADOS company.
Rights to the Contents
All Rights (e.g. Copyright, Usufruct-, Licensing- or Trademarks) with respect to the contents on the website, remain with ADOS. All copying, processing, propagation and similar use of the contents, is strictly forbidden without prior permission from the company, except when legally allowed. An exception to this ruling applies to the contents on the pages of press release notes which may be made available to the exclusive use of journalists. Within this framework, ADOS will make available texts, photos, illustrations and films in the context of the currently existing Press and Copyright Laws. Any use exceeding the above mentioned conditions is forbidden.
Concluding Remarks
The Laws of the Federal Republic of Germany are exclusively valid. Place of fulfilment is Aachen, Germany. The exclusive place of jurisdiction of all claims in connection with these conditions is also Aachen, Germany. Should a regulation in these general conditions of Use become ineffective, this will not effect the validity of the Conditions of Use as a whole. In place of the ineffective regulation, the condition which is closest in meaning and purpose to the ineffective regulation will be regarded as valid.
Webdesign, Implementation and Content Management:
Neck + Heyn Werbeagentur GmbH